1. Question: What happens during a massage?
Answer: First, the client will complete an intake form and health history. The client will also read our intention and sign an informed consent. Second, the therapist will complete an interview with the client. This time allows us to review the intake form, discuss medical conditions, find out what the expectations of the client and what they are looking for in a massage and lastly, how they want to feel after the massage. Then the therapist will explain what all will take place during the massage. Third, the therapist will leave the room while the client undresses "to their level of comfort" and gets situated on the massage table, covered by the sheet and/or blanket.
NOTE: PA licensed massage therapists are required to obtain current health history, written informed consent and to provide draping in a manner that ensures safety, comfort and privacy of the client. During a massage (typically a full body massage) we work the back, shoulders, hips/gluts (buttocks), through the sheet if the client is not comfortable undrapping the side of the glut (buttock) area and legs...then the client turns over on the table, under the sheet, and then we work the front of the legs, feet, hands, arms, shoulders, neck, head, face, packs and if requested stomach. We undrape only the area we are working on.
2. Question: Do I need to make an appointment?
Answer: Yes. However, if there are times that we are able to accommodate clients that walk-in without an appointment, we will do so.
3. Question: What is your cancellation policy?
Answer: To find out about our cancellation policy please open a page thats under "Clinic Policy".
4. Question: Can I choose my own therapist?
Answer: Unless you are using a Groupon or a Yelp Deal Certificate Yes, you can choose your therapist but you may have to wait for an appointment depending on the therapists' schedule, availability and popularity. But if you need an appointment today, we can find an opening on someone's schedule. You can also request your preference in male or female therapist. Our philosophy is to help you find your fit with the therapist and treatment style that best serves you. You can choose to change therapists at anytime during your treatment plan, establish a primary therapist and/or utilize each therapist at different points in time during your relationship with us. We understand the need for consistency, change and spontaneity and we can be all of those things to you and more.
5. Question: Am I expected to tip my massage therapist?
Answer: Tips are never expected, but always appreciated. If you have received a great service and would like to show your appreciation to the therapist, the average tip ranges between 10-25% on a full value service. From the therapist's perspective, it is always nice to receive the compliment of a "thank you for good service" gratuity. If paying with a credit card or check, the tip can be added to the total. The therapist will receive 100% of their tip. If your therapist is scheduled to provide massage outside of the office, and is expected to load and carry a table, a gratuity is definitely expected and is required. A 20% gratuity will automatically be added to your credit card bill for any outcall service.
6. Question: What do I need to bring for my session?
Answer: There could be instances, where you are instructed by a therapist to bring shorts and/or sports bra for the specific intention of including muscle activation, stretching, and/or joint mobilization in the pre-planned massage and bodywork session. Otherwise, PA licensed massage therapists are required to provide draping in a manner that ensures the safety, comfort and privacy of the client. The only thing we ask clients, with long hair to bring, is a hair tie if needed, otherwise one will be provided.
7. Question: How often should I receive a massage?
Answer: For those who use massage as preventative care or to manage daily stress, one massage a month is common. Weekly sessions may be desirable if you are receiving massage for injury relief or to relieve chronic tightness that is interfering with your daily life. There are many people who incorporate massage therapy at least twice a month for optimal therapeutic relief.
8. Quetion: How long will a massage treatment last?
Answer: The average full-body massage treatment lasts for full 60 Minute, NOT including filling out an intake form, undressing and getting dressed. A half-hour appointment only allows time for a partial massage session, such as neck and shoulders, back or legs and feet. Many people prefer a 60 to 90-minute session for optimal relaxation. Always allow relaxation time prior to and after the session.
9. Question: Will the massage hurt?
Answer: This depends on the type of massage and the depth of the strokes. A light, relaxing massage that doesn't probe very deep into the muscles, shouldn't hurt. With that being said, there is a 'feels good' hurt or "bearable" and an 'ouch, stop it' hurt. A good massage, even a really deep tissue massage, should always stay in the 'feels good' hurt or "bearable" range. Pain can be an indication that the muscle is possibly injured or inflamed and pressure should be adjusted. Also, pain can cause you to tighten up and negate the relaxing effects of the massage. The most effective and deepest massage always works with your body's natural response, not against it. It is recommended to use slow, deep breathing for a therapeutic deep tissue massage. Breathing provides oxygen for the muscle tissue and helps to control the discomfort.
10. Question: If I want a really deep massage shouldn't I see a male therapist?
Answer: The answer is NO. There is a perception that men give deeper massages than women. This is a myth. While some men do give a deeper massage, there are men who prefer to not work so deep. The same holds true for women.It is a matter of style, training, and therapist preference. Some therapists prefer not to give really deep sessions while others specialize in this area. If you are looking for a deep massage, it is best to simply ask the therapist if she/he does this type of work. And of course, during your session it is perfectly ok to give the therapist feedback if you would like a lighter/deeper pressure. It's your session
11. Question: Can I talk during my session?
Answer: Sure, if you'd like to talk go right ahead. The important thing to remember is that this treatment is all about you relaxing and enjoying the experience. Many therapists discourage talking in hopes that you will relax, let your mind float free and enter a state of massage bliss.In many instances, people may feel more relaxed starting off talking, and as the massage progresses, enter quiet states of relaxation.The important issue here is that there are times when you need to speak up. If the therapist is doing anything to make you uncomfortable, you should let her/him know immediately. Also, let him/her know if you get too warm or too cold, if the room is too bright, or if the pressure needs to be changed (lighter or deeper). If something is not working for you - speak up! It's OK!
12. Question: How will I feel after my massage treatment?
Answer: Most people feel very relaxed. Some experience a significant decrease or freedom from long-term aches and pains. Many feel a little slowed down for a short period and then notice an increase of energy, heightened awareness and increased productivity which can last for days. If you received a deep massage, you may be sore the next day - much like a good workout at the gym. Sometimes a hot shower, or a soak in the tub with 2 cups of Epsom Salts for minimum of 20 minutes can ease this soreness. After your session you should increase your water intake a bit. Just a glass or two more than normal is usually fine. This helps keep your body's tissues hydrated and healthy. Use ice if you feel the need.
13. Question: When should I not get a massage?
Answer: There are few conditions which would prevent you from enjoying massage. You should not book a massage if you have a fever, cold/flu, or contagious skin infection. That's it. There are many other conditions in which your therapist may need to adapt his/her techniques (i.e. arthritis or osteoporosis) or avoid an area completely (i.e. cuts or burns). With some conditions it is a good idea to get an approval from your physician before you receive massage (cancer, certain heart conditions, pregnancy). This doesn't mean you can't get massage. But its always better to err on the side of caution.Your therapist can advise you about your specific needs.
14. Question: What if I get an erection during my massage?
Answer: Sometimes it happens. Yet, most men avoid massage for fear this will happen to them. Or, they get a massage but are unable to relax because of this fear. But there is no reason to be embarrassed.Sometimes men get an erection during a non-sexual, therapeutic, full body massage. Touch administered to any part of the body can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which can result in a partial or complete erection. Also, this may be an effect of increased blood flow through the body. An educated, professional massage therapist understands this and it will not be an issue for him/her. If you are still concerned, we recommend wearing more fitted underwear (briefs or boxer briefs) which provide more support than traditional boxers.
NOTE: If the therapist feels that the session has turned sexual for the client, male or female, he/she may stop the session to clarify the client's intent, and may decide to end the session immediately.
15. Question: Is there anything I need to do to prepare for my session?
Answer: It helps to be well hydrated, so be sure to drink plenty of fluids the day before and day of your massage.
16. Question: What if I’m ticklish?
Answer: We’ve all worked with people who were ticklish. We adjust the massage technique by varying the pressure, depth, and pace of the massage strokes so that you won’t feel tickled.
17. Question: What is an Ashiatsu Massage?
Answer: Ashiatsu Massage is an anciant form of a massage, also called "Back Walking", that uses feet to provide deep compression stokes that glide over the body. Relieves muscle spasms and opens the intervertebral foramen, giving the nerves more space to move. Increases circulation by bringing more freshly oxygenated blood to the area. Relieves muscular discomfort, provides deep relaxation and stimulate the lymphatic system of the body. Bars are used above the head for support and balance and lubrication is applied to the body. The biggest benefit of the Ashiatsu Massage is that after few treatments it will help to improve your posture and movement while relieving pain, improving bodily functions and creating a state of well being.

18. Question: What if I am Pregnant or gave birth recently ?
Answer: In order to provide you with safe and comfortable service we require all pre/post natal clients to provide us with a doctor release letter from your obygn. You may bring it with you or your doctor may email it to us at touchofhealing333@gmail.com. ATTENTION!!!! WE DO NOT PROVIDE MASSAGE SERVICES IN FIRST TRIMESTER.During your session we offer the choice of table with pillow bolstering or a chair massage for most comfort.
19. Question: What if I recently undergone surgery?
Answer: For your safety and precaution we require all clients to provide us with a doctor release letter from your doctor if you have had any surgery within last 6 months. You may bring it with you or your doctor may email it to us at touchofhealing333@gmail.com.
20. Question: When should i NOT get a massage?
Answer: Total Massage Contraindications include:
Contagious diseases, including any cold or flu, no matter how mild it may seem
Under the influence of drugs or alcohol-including prescription pain medication
Recent operations or acute injuries
Skin diseases
21. Question: What if I have an Expired or Soon to be Expired Groupon Voucher?
Answer: Once the Groupon is expired and the appointment was NOT made you may use the Groupon value and put it towards the service purchased. At the arrival you will be responsible for the remaining session payment. However if your Groupon is Not yet expired you may schedule your appointment for any first available slot (even if it falls on after the expiration date) and we will honor your Groupon without additional payments.
22. Question: What will i need in order to schedule an appointment?
Answer: To schedule an appointment over the phone or through our website you will need your credit/debit card to reserve your slot regardless if you have a Groupon or a gift card. Please review our cancellation policy on our "Clinic Policy" page. Please note that we do NOT place any hold on your card or charge your card prior of your session. All private information is stored safely on a credit card data base program and can be removed at your request after your session. If you do not poses a credit or a debit card you may come in and put a $45.00 cash deposit for your appointment prior to your session. NO RESERVATIONS WILL BE PROVIDED without a deposit or credit/debit card information. Please understand that we are a small office and your time as well as our time is valuable. We uphold a 24 hour cancellation policy in order to provide you with as much availability as possible. If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to contact us directly.